About me
I am an associate professor of mathematics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. My research focuses on commutative algebra with a geometric and computational flavor. Please see the menu above for my publications.
I have been awarded the 2024-2025 Ruth I. Michler Memorial Prize of the AWM.
I am an editor for the Journal of Commutative Algebra. Please consider submitting your relevant work.
My paper Symbolic powers of codimension two Cohen-Macaulay ideals won the 2024 Earl J. Taft memorial award.
My Students
- Ben Drabkin - PhD 2020
- Andrew Conner - MA 2020
- Erica Hopkins (co-advised with Mark Walker) - PhD 2021
- Michael DeBellevue (co-advised with Mark Walker) - PhD 2022
- Nik Kuzmanovski (co-advised with Jamie Radcliffe) - PhD 2024
- Shah Roshan Zamir - Ben Carse Noltig award (2021-2022), Bill Leavitt award (2023-2024)
- Juliann Geraci - Don Miller Outstanding GTA award (2022-2023)
- Ana Podariu
- Kara Fagerstrom
Undergraduate Activities
I mentor teams of students working in the Polymath Jr. large-scale undergraduate research program. An article about this program appeared in the Notices of the AMS When life gives you lemons, make mathematicians.
I am the founder and director of the Nebraska Experimental Mathematics and Outreach (NEMO) Lab affiliated with the Geometry Labs United network.